NEXO Alpha B1

The alpha B1-18 is an advanced high power Bass module that can be stacked or flown together in arrays with Alpha M3, M8 and S2 and AlphaE- M cabinets. The alpha B1-18 uses one NEXO specified high power 18” LF driver on an innovative internal flare component manufactured of rigid honeycomb composites.

This high-efficiency design delivers extremely low distortion, coherent bass output from 40Hz to 230Hz. The alpha B1-18 is fully capable of operating without the S2 SubBass in applications where extreme LF performance is not required.

The alpha Series is an extension of NEXO’s acclaimed Alpha System; modular, compact, high power loudspeakers tailored for a wide range of touring and installed sound reinforcement applications, from clubs and theatres to large scale live events. Like all NEXO products, AlphaE Series components are designed to work with advanced electronic processors, guaranteeing consistent performance and reliability of the highest standard.

Pris: 350,- pr dag

(+25% MVA)

Antall tilgjengelig: 4 stk

Gratis henting på hverdager mellom kl. 09:00 – 16:00

Utleveringsgebyr kveld og helg: 350kr

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